You will never make it in life. You are nothing like your sister. I don’t love you anymore. You are never going to change. You’re stupid and ugly. These are the merciless taunts of the enemy. I often meet with broken people who have come seeking help because they have been verbally assaulted. They are heartbroken and feel worthless. There are too many people who have been wounded by unkind words spoken either “to” them or “about” them. They have listened to the common lies of the enemy so often that they have come to believe them.
Mother Teresa said, “Words which do not give the light of Christ increase the darkness.” The words we speak are either words of life or death. They are either words of truth or they are flat out lies. The words we speak either bless or curse ourselves and others. The words we speak are either words conceived and born of Heaven or they are words from the pit of hell. There are no words that simply do not matter. And yes, sticks and stones can break bones but toxic words break hearts. The toxic poison of devastating words can only be remedied by words of truth, hope and life. A word spoken in due season is as a healing ointment.
Hurtful words wound but helpful words heal.
Toxic words are poison to our spirit . Kind and life giving words are medicine.
Do you know that words matter even if you are not the person the words are directly spoken to? The words you hear affect you. That is the reason it is important to keep company with people who speak encouraging and life giving words. If you are in a work environment where ungodly words are spoken they will AFFECT you and they can cause you to feel depressed. If you are in a room where someone is screaming or yelling, you will certainly feel shaken and disturbed. This is because the words being spoken are affecting your spirit man. We must carefully guard the words we speak and also the words we hear. Interestingly, there is something worse than being simply affected by toxic words and that is becoming INFECTED by toxic words.
When someone says something unkind we should immediately counter that with something that is pleasant and kind. My cousin Bonnie, who is a Christian psychologist, encourages her clients and friends to participate in what she calls “good gossip”. The way you do this is to purposefully tell people things that will encourage them and others. Tell your friends and family of a compliment you heard about them. Tell them when they look nice. Never with hold kind words. It is healthy and healing for you to hear yourself speaking well of others and of yourself.
God speaks well of you and I and we should speak well of ourselves and others.
There is far too much hurt in this world. We should all speak words of life and love. Yes, this takes discipline and isn’t always easy. We must remember that there is a temptation to speak unkind words especially when they are spoken to you. You can teach and train yourself to return good for evil. You can make a habit of speaking well of everyone. You are not responsible for what others say or do. You are responsible for the things you do and say. Make your words count.
If you love someone tell them you love them. Words are important. Words have power. Words have creative power. God created the galaxies by His spoken Word.
“Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” Aren’t you thankful for people who always speak sweet words of affirmation? Everyone needs to be encouraged. Proverbs 16:24 16.24
Here is something I pray you will take to heart and always remember. Do not believe or receive any unkind words that are spoken to or about you. You are not who the devil says you are.
You are not who others SAY you are. You are who God says you are. He thinks and speaks very well of you. If you don’t believe me just read his Word. God loves and accepts you.
You can detox your spirit by speaking words of love and life.
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. If you can’t say anything nice, it would be best to remain silent.
Pastor Pam